
India’s Parliament and Crypto Tax

India’s parliament Finance Bill that came out in 2022 includes a 30% crypto tax. It is set to take effect in Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament. India’s Parliament – Modi: Sushil Kumar Modi, one of India’s parliament members, requested the government increase the crypto tax from the 30% it stands. In Modi’s words, “I would like to request the finance minister that the 30% tax that you have imposed on[…]

What Makes Solana Unique? A Dive Into Its Attributes In 2023:

#image copyrights #cryptoslate What makes Solana unique? Solana is a unique blockchain network that aims to create a cryptocurrency-powered environment of products and services. It differs from Bitcoin but shares similarities with Ethereum. Solana is a blockchain network capable of handling the highest number of transactions. It can perform 50,000 transactions per second, which is higher than the number of transactions of Bitcoin and Ethereum combined. What makes Solana unique? Now that you know[…]

Crypto Prices

In today’s article, we’ll be discussing the market capitalization and crypto prices of the week. Bitcoin, the most popular crypto, reached a record high of the year. The coin touched a three-month high of a little higher than $47,000 on Monday, March 28th. This high came after several occurrences impacted the prices of the market. Due to the Russian and Ukraine, the pandemic, and many other factors, the cryptocurrency market went below $35,000 earlier[…]

In The Spotlight: Understanding The Stablecoin Advantages And Disadvantages

This article will delve deep into Stablecoin advantages and disadvantages. Stablecoins, as their name puts forth, is a class of cryptocurrency that offers price stability. It can be done using algorithms or backing up the transaction with tangible assets. The year 2014 was the introduction of the first stablecoin. Through the years, it has become popular because it offers the speed and security of a blockchain network and takes volatility much lower than it[…]

All You Need To Know About Bitcoin And Bitcoin Cash In Focus:

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash have similar names but share similar characteristics. Bitcoin is seen as digital gold, the first crypto ever created. Bitcoin is considered a store of value. On the other hand, as its name proposes, Bitcoin Cash is supposed to be used as digital cash. It was brought about with the use of a hard fork. This means that both of these assets have several aspects. Some of which are a transaction[…]

Thailand and Crypto

The Security and Exchange Commission of Thailand announced that from April of 2022, crypto will not be allowed as a payment method. On Wednesday, the regulator mentioned that the use of crypto could negatively affect the economy. They were posing risks to the financial system as well. The SEC went on mentioning more risks. Including loss of value due to volatility, the leakage of personal data, and cyber theft. The decision to ban crypto[…]

DeFiance Founder Lost $1.7 Million

Early Tuesday morning, DeFiance founder Arthur Cheong lost close to $1.7 million from his crypto wallet. The loss consisted of the following coins; five CloneXs, 17 Azuki’s, 33 Second Selfs, two Hedgies, and two Tsubasa NFTs. This information is according to PeckShield. The firm confirms that 59 NFTs were stolen in total. After the incident, Cheong tweets the following statement” “Well, this hit me hard, but if I got exploited as a fairly sophisticated[…]

Will Malaysia Make Crypto Legal Tender?

As cryptocurrencies experience a jump in prices, will Malaysia consider making crypto legal tender? It’s no surprise that the most popular cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum, went up today. Several bullish news items have fueled them. A government official proposed a question to the country of Malaysia as to whether they will accept crypto as legal tender. The deputy minister of communications, Zahidi Zainul Abidin addressed the request to parliament. The government then began to[…]

Blockchain Advantages And Disadvantages – Important Info You Need To Know:

There are many Blockchain Advantages and Disadvantages. A blockchain is a virtual ledger comprising data about cryptocurrency transactions. The data is stored in blocks, and this system is called a blockchain. Blockchain advantages have contributed a lot in certain industries. What are the Advantages of Blockchain Technology? As blockchain data is stored in many devices worldwide, the system resists attacks and technical failures. There is no chance of the network’s failure because each network[…]

Objective Trading And Subjective Trading – Which is Better?

In today’s article, we’ll learn about objective and subjective trading. In short objective traders will usually follow a series of rules that guide them through their trading journey and decision-making process. These traders typically plan their buy and sell decisions in advance. Subjective traders, on the other hand, don’t follow a guide. They are flexible with the market conditions and adapt to what comes their way. They base their choices on what they believe[…]

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