NFT stands for non-fungible token, a unique digital asset that can represent anything from art to music to games. Learn how NFTs are created, traded, and valued, and explore the amazing world of digital creativity and….

Want to Know the Value of an NFT?

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that cannot be replicated or replaced. They represent digital art, collectibles, and other valuable digital assets. With the rise of its sales and projects, it’s crucial to understand how to assess the value of an NFT. The Factors Rarity is one of the critical factors in assessing the value of an NFT. NFTs that are one-of-a-kind or limited in supply will naturally be more valuable than widely[…]

The Most Popular 6 Solana NFT Projects:

There are several Solana NFT projects you should know about. Let’s note that Solana has its differences from other blockchains like Ethereum. For one, it is a much faster network and can process 50,000 transactions a second, costing barely a penny a piece. This is the perfect chain for Defi projects that want to challenge our current financial system. In comparison, Ethereum 1.0 can only handle 15 to 45 transactions per second, and its[…]

NFT Art Take Over

The NFT art creators are taking over the market during the crypto crash. Approximately a month before Terra Luna collapsed, an NFT star from Singapore, Shavonne Wong, sold a collection of NFTs in one minute.The project named Proxy was born in collaboration with the photographer Lenne Chai. The project consisted of 60 pictures of sculpted schoolgirls against famous backdrops. The price of each NFT stood at 1.25 ETH. Which is about US $3,500, making[…]

The Kraken NFT Platform

The well-known cryptocurrency exchange Kraken is to launch its own NFT platform. The release will be in a few months but customers already have the option to sign up for the waitlist. The platform will offer lower Ethereum transaction costs along with gas fees, proof of stake blockchains, and so forth. David Ripley the chief operating officer mentioned the platform will also aim to hold customers’ assets in custody for them. Ripley shared a[…]

Moonbird NFT

The Moonbirds NFTs were available for purchase on Saturday, the 16th of April. In a matter of two days, they managed to sell $200 million. The Moonbird NFT features owls. The PROOF Collective is a private group that collects NFTs. Ryan Carson and Kevin Rose run the Collective, and the membership pass has a fee of around 99 ETH.  The Moonbirds launch has caught the eye of many NFT collectors with its success just[…]

NFT Marketplaces: Transforming Ownership And Value In The Digital World

In today’s article, we’ll list some of the best and most useful NFT marketplaces. NFTs have been in existence for some time. However, it was only in the year 2021 that they gained an increased level of recognition and interest. Here is a list of the 13 NFT Marketplaces: 1. OpenSea OpenSea has emerged as the first in the list of NFT marketplaces. OpenSea stands as one of the top NFT marketplaces. The platform[…]

Liquidity – How It’s determinized? How it pertains to NFT?

What is liquidity, and how does it pertain to the crypto world? It is the ability to convert an asset into cash without affecting the price of that asset. The specific was chosen because cash is the most liquid asset. In other words, it measures the ease with which an asset may be bought or sold in the market at a price that reflects its intrinsic value. What determines liquidity? The liquidity of an[…]

NFT Liquidity

The dominant NFT market trend is increasing sales volumes, adoption, and liquidity. However, according to Matrixport Ventures’ Daniel Yan, a barrier in the evolving industry might be resolved by additional financial layers. Brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Louis Vuitton have recently joined the NFT bandwagon. According to a CryptoSlam tracker, buyers have hit a high of 895,000. Yan told Blockworks that this is just the beginning of the story. Yan said, “When we talk[…]

NFT is not at its Peak

The NFT business is not at its peak. In January, there were sales on OpenSea – one of the largest NFT marketplaces – for close to $5 billion in January. The year before, it was close to $8 million. However, last month it declined to $2.5 billion. From here, we see NFT is not at its peak. Last month on the NFT marketplace, there were about 635,000 sales. The average NFT was sold at[…]

Solana Experiences Gains

            As the cryptocurrency market experiences its highs and lows, Solana gains significantly. It has experienced an increase of 6% over the last 24 hours. During the span of a week, howver Solana gains a 28%.The market as a whole gains 2%, however out of the top ten coins Solana has risen the most. There should be a reason why Solana has been on the rise for the past 24 hours, and we believe[…]

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